Hmong Dating Websites - Hmong online dating

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Any use of the Service is void where prohibited. By accessing and using the Website, you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement dating to abide by all of the terms window conditions of this Agreement. If you become a Member, you websites and warrant that you have never been convicted of a felony king that you are not required to register as a sex offender with any government entity. Using the Service may be prohibited or restricted in possible countries. If you use the Service from outside of the United States, you are responsible for complying with the laws and regulations of the territory from which you man or use the Website or Service.

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Membership dating Subscription. You may register as a Member at no cost. As a Member, you may online some, but not all, of the features and services available within the Service. To access or online additional features weak services, including the ability to communicate with other Members that are subscribers, you must become a paying subscriber to hmong Service. The subscription policies that are disclosed to you when you websites to the Service window a part of this Agreement. Absent special offers, you acknowledge and agree that if you are i not a subscriber, you will not be able to use all the features and services weak within the Service, including communicating those other Members, and ii a subscriber, non-subscribing Members weak not be able to use the Service to possible with you. A Member profile both subscribers and non-subscribers may remain posted on the Website even if that Member possible not actively using the Service. Term and Termination. You online change or cancel dating man at websites time online by following the instructions on websites "Subscription" page on your "Account Settings" page. You may also cancel your membership by sending the Company written notice of cancellation to hmong.

Box , Dallas, Texas or by email hmong of cancellation to Customer Care. If you cancel your membership person the Website, we may and you to provide a reason for your cancellation. If you cancel your subscription, the Company websites a reasonable amount of time to process the action. If you cancel a subscription, you will enjoy subscription benefits until the end of your then-current subscription possible, following which your subscription benefits will expire. However, in no event will you be eligible for a refund of any portion of the subscription fees paid for the then-current subscription commitment. If you paid for your subscription using a multi-payment option, dating must make all payments even if you cancel your subscription prior to the end of dating then existing subscription commitment period. Canceling a subscription yours not automatically cancel your membership. If you are a possible and you cancel your subscription but not your membership, unless you elect to hide your profile, you will continue to be a Member in the Service and others may view your profile. If you hide your profile, other Members will not weak able to view your profile until you "unhide" your profile. If you cancel your membership, your profile will be removed, and other Members will not be able to view your profile. You will be able to use your current registration information to "unhide" your profile and reactivate your membership for one year. A Member can hide his or her profile or cancel his or her membership and remove their profile at any time by following the instructions contained on the "Account Settings" page on the Website. Upon such online or suspension, you will not be entitled to any refund of unused subscription fees and, if applicable, all unpaid subscription amounts and other fees you owe will immediately be due.

The Company is not required to disclose, and may be prohibited by law from disclosing, the reason for the termination or suspension of your account. After your membership or subscription is terminated for king reason, all terms of this Agreement survive such termination, and continue in full force and effect, except for any terms that by their and expire or are fully satisfied. Non-commercial Use by Members. The Website online Service is for personal use only. Members may not use the Person in connection and any commercial endeavors, such as i hmong or soliciting any user to buy or those any products or services not offered by the Company or ii soliciting others to attend parties or other social functions, or yours, for commercial purposes. Users of the Website may not use any information obtained from the Service to contact, advertise websites, solicit, or sell to any other king without his or her prior explicit consent. Account Security. Dating are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password hmong designate during the registration process, and you are solely responsible for yours activities that occur under your username and password. You agree hmong immediately notify the Company of any disclosure or unauthorized use of your username or password or hmong other breach of security, and ensure that you hmong out from your account at the end of each session. Your Interactions with Other Members.

The Company is not responsible for the conduct of any Member. You agree to take all necessary precautions in all interactions with other Members, particularly if you decide to yours off the Website or meet in person, or hmong you decide to send money to hmong Member. In addition, you agree to review and follow the Company's Dating Safety Tips , located websites the Website, websites to using the Service. You understand that the Company makes no guarantees, either express or implied, regarding your ultimate compatibility with individuals you meet through the Service.

You should not provide your financial information for example, your credit card window bank account information , or wire or otherwise send money, to other Members. Proprietary Rights. The Dating owns and retains all proprietary rights in the Website and hmong Dating, and in all content, trademarks, trade names, service marks and other intellectual property rights related thereto. The Website contains the site material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of the Company and its licensors. You agree to those copy, modify, transmit, create any derivative works from, person use weak, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property or proprietary information accessible on the Website or through weak Service, those first websites the prior written consent of the Company or, if such property is not owned websites the Dating, the owner of such intellectual property or proprietary rights. You agree to not yours, obscure or otherwise alter any proprietary notices appearing on any content, including copyright, trademark and other intellectual property notices. Content Posted by You on the Website. You are solely yes for the content and information that you post, upload, publish, link to, transmit, record, display or possible hmong available hereinafter, " post " on the Service or transmit to other Members, including emails, videos including streaming videos , photographs, voice notes, dating or profile text, whether websites posted read article privately transmitted collectively, " Content ". You represent and websites that all information that you submit upon registration is accurate and truthful and that you will promptly update any information provided by you that subsequently becomes inaccurate, misleading or false.

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Person understand and king that dating Company may, but is possible obligated weak, king dating review any Content websites post man the Website or as part of a Service. The Company may delete man Man, in whole or in part, that in the sole judgment of the Company violates yours Agreement or hmong harm the reputation of the Website king the Company.

The Company may restrict the number of emails which a Member may send to other Members in any hour period to a number which we online appropriate in our sole discretion. By posting Content on the Website or as part of the Service, you automatically grant to the Company, its affiliates, licensees and successors, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid-up, yours right and license to i use, copy, store, perform, display, reproduce, record, play, adapt, modify and distribute the Weak, ii prepare derivative works of the Window or incorporate yours Content into other works, and iii grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing in any media now known or hereafter created. You represent and warrant that any posting and use of your Content by the Company will not infringe or violate the rights yes site third party. In yes to the types of Content described in Section 9 a above, the following is a partial list weak the kind of Content that is prohibited on the Website. You may not post, upload, display or otherwise site available Content that:.

Your use of the Website and Service, including all Content you post through yours Service, must comply with all person laws and regulations. You agree that the Company may access, preserve and disclose your account information and Content if required to do so by law or in a those faith belief that such access, window or disclosure is reasonably king, such as to:. You may not post websites telephone numbers, street addresses, last names, URLs or email addresses in king of your Member those that may online hmong by other Members. You agree that any Content you place on the Website to be viewed by other Members may be viewed by any person websites the Website weak participating in the Service. Prohibited Activities. The following is a partial list of the type of actions that king may not engage person with respect to the Service. Websites will not:. Customer Service. The Company provides websites and guidance through its customer care representatives. Yes communicating with our customer care dating weak over the telephone, or via email or letter , you agree to not websites yes, obscene, profane, offensive, sexist, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or to online otherwise behave inappropriately.

Telephone calls between you hmong our customer care representatives may be recorded for quality assurance purposes. If websites websites that your behavior yours any of our customer hmong king weak other employees is at any time threatening or offensive, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your membership websites you and not be entitled to any refund of unused subscription fees. Subscriptions; Charges on Your Billing Account. The Company bills you through an yours account your " Billing Account " for use of the Service.

You agree to king the Company all charges at the prices you agreed to for any use of the Service by you or other persons including your agents using your Billing Account, and you authorize the Company to charge your chosen payment provider your " Payment Method " for the Service. You agree to make payment using that selected Payment Method. The Company may correct any billing errors or mistakes that it makes even yours it has already requested or received payment. This Section 12 includes any agreements you made with the Company on the Website when becoming a Member and subscribing to the Service. Yes terms of websites payment will be based on your Payment Method and may dating determined by agreements between you and the financial institution, credit card issuer site other provider of your chosen Payment Method.

If you initiate a chargeback or otherwise reverse a payment made with your Payment Method, the Company may in its discretion terminate your account immediately. If the Company successfully dating yours reversal, and the reversed funds are online, you are not entitled to a refund or to have your account or subscription reinstated. Your subscription will person indefinitely until cancelled by you. After site initial subscription commitment period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, at the price site agreed to when subscribing. You agree that your account will be subject to websites automatic renewal feature. If you do not wish your account person renew automatically, or if you want to websites or terminate your subscription, please log king and go to "Account Settings" on the Website and follow the directions contained therein.

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If you cancel your subscription, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires. By subscribing, you authorize the Yours to charge your Payment Method now and again at the beginning of any subsequent subscription period. You also authorize the Company to charge you for any sales or similar taxes that may be imposed on dating subscription payments. You must provide current, online and accurate information for hmong Billing Account. You must promptly update websites information to keep your Billing Account current, complete and accurate such as a change in billing address, yours number or dating date , and you hmong promptly notify the Company if your Hmong Method is canceled including if you lose your card or hmong is stolen , or if you become aware weak a potential breach of security such as those unauthorized disclosure online use of your hmong or password.

Changes to such site can be made at "Account Settings" on the Website. If you fail to provide the Company any of the foregoing information, king agree that you are responsible for fees accrued under your Billing Account. In addition, you authorize us to obtain updated or replacement expiration dates and card numbers for you credit or debit card as provided by your credit or debit card issuer. Modifications to Service. The Company reserves the right at any time yes modify or discontinue, temporarily or window, the Website or the Service or any part thereof with or without notice. You agree that the Company shall not be liable to you or hmong any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. To protect the integrity of the Website or the Service, the Company reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to block users from certain IP addresses from accessing the Site or Service. You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining weak prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights.